POST 5: Changes to my Study Program


The changes that I would like to make to the study plan would be focused more than anything on the correct distribution of the tests and controls for each subject, since it happens that several times, everything accumulates in a week and does not give the students time. Also, they should have more classrooms, since several times the building does not have enough space and it has happened that they leave us all very close together and we do not have space inside the rooms. In situations like this, they should allow, in less important subjects, classes to be online and controls too, given that there are many spaces of free time and after, for example, 4 hours, the next class comes. That is a big problem that the program has, that it leaves a lot of downtime.

Another thing to consider is the improvement of the teacher's understanding of the students, since some purposely seek to make you fail the subject. For example, it happened to me in a subject that they failed me solely because "they did not understand my handwriting" when in fact Yes, there were people who could read and still that teacher failed me. In a case like this they should give the opportunity to do it again and do it in the summer, but they don't. They prefer that students pay for an entire year.


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