
POST 5: Changes to my Study Program

  The changes that I would like to make to the study plan would be focused more than anything on the correct distribution of the tests and controls for each subject, since it happens that several times, everything accumulates in a week and does not give the students time. Also, they should have more classrooms, since several times the building does not have enough space and it has happened that they leave us all very close together and we do not have space inside the rooms. In situations like this, they should allow, in less important subjects, classes to be online and controls too, given that there are many spaces of free time and after, for example, 4 hours, the next class comes. That is a big problem that the program has, that it leaves a lot of downtime. Another thing to consider is the improvement of the teacher's understanding of the students, since some purposely seek to make you fail the subject. For example, it happened to me in a subject that they failed me solely becau

POST 4: Time Travel to the Future or Past

 If I could travel to the future, I would like to go to a place where I could see myself to know if I achieved the things that I so wanted to have since I was little, since given the circumstances I had to take a complicated and long path, where there is a lot of competition. to get ahead. I think about seeing what I achieve in my future and knowing what mistakes I made so I can do them well when it becomes my reality. I would also like to see if any major scientific advances were made. Since currently some things are wrong. I would like to know if wars are part of the past, if people managed to be more civilized and achieve the peace and humanity that we really should have. Another thing I would also like to know is about the great scientific advances in terms of comfort, I mean that smart technologies became widespread and it was possible for most of the world to obtain technology that helps make life easier, do everything. more comfortable for the world. Since these technologies

POST 3: My Dream Job

  Since I was a child, I knew that my ideal job would be to work as a dentist in my own clinic, that is why I decided to study dentistry. I would like to work in the south of the country because I consider that, unlike Santiago, the city where I currently live, the environment is much more comfortable, as there are less traffic and fewer people, it is also healthier because there is less contamination and more nature, which for me is fundamental, because I like to do sports outdoors and go to different places. The main reason why I want to have my own clinic is that I will be able to help people personally, and guarantee that this help is of the best quality. I would also like to be able to choose the infrastructure and design myself, to make sure that it is a comfortable place for me and my future workers, where each one has his own work "box", but, above all, for the patients. In addition, being my own clinic, I would have more freedom to travel to different cities and

Video Talk: An activity I like to do in my free time


Post 2: The Best Concert ever

  Well, about the concerts, the truth is I haven't been to many but I have some experiences when I went with some friends to see a group called Twenty one pilots at Lollapalooza 2019 on March 30. The concert was in Ohiggins Park on the stage of the Banco de Chile. I remember that it was the last show of the night and it was one of the most anticipated by people, since it was packed that day, luckily with my friends we arrived early to find a place to be in front to see them. One of the reasons why I liked it the most is the quality of the show they put on, they had many things prepared for people to participate. I would say that this was one of the best I saw at the festival, along with another DJ called Tiësto who was the last show of the night and the festival. Their concert was at the Movistar Arena on March 31 of the same year.

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Well, the place that I would like to visit is Greece because there´re a lot of interesting sights, like the monuments of their gods, for example Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Apolo, Ares, Artemisa, Dionisio, Hefesto, Atenea, etc. Also, in Greece we can found a lot of islands. I know that they have more than three thousand islands, and I love the sea, the beaches and the sand that is in there, that’s looks like a dream, something so pacific, relaxing. The weather in there is the sunniest in Europe, and I really love that kind of weather, because I hate the cold weather. And the place in Greece that I really want to know is Santorini. The hotels in there looks like something that only exist in a dream. The architecture of this country is something extraordinary, the civilization that we can found is historical. They have so much story and is one of the older civilizations that we know. And finally, something curious of them is that they are so superstitious, they believe in the luc