Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Well, the place that I would like to visit is Greece because there´re a lot of interesting sights, like the monuments of their gods, for example Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Apolo, Ares, Artemisa, Dionisio, Hefesto, Atenea, etc. Also, in Greece we can found a lot of islands. I know that they have more than three thousand islands, and I love the sea, the beaches and the sand that is in there, that’s looks like a dream, something so pacific, relaxing.

The weather in there is the sunniest in Europe, and I really love that kind of weather, because I hate the cold weather. And the place in Greece that I really want to know is Santorini. The hotels in there looks like something that only exist in a dream.

The architecture of this country is something extraordinary, the civilization that we can found is historical. They have so much story and is one of the older civilizations that we know.

And finally, something curious of them is that they are so superstitious, they believe in the luck and stuffs like that.


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